22 december


Sunday is a day of great celebration, not only because we are approaching Christmas, but because it is experienced as a day dedicated to the church. It is the people and not the priests who take care of the beautiful church, which surprised me a lot, they organize themselves to clean, embellish and organize meetings, obviously in agreement with the priests, but everything starts from the people, a beautiful thing. Everyone is involved, from children to the elderly, who sings, who cleans. At the end of the services, the older ones organize various round tables and teach the little ones to dance, sing, repeat school subjects. The children are smiling and show genuine sweetness. Eric, let me know that tomorrow after lunch we will go to the house of a local family, I am looking forward to it. I don’t often go to mass when I’m at home, but the Congolese mass intrigued me a lot. Very long, but very beautiful, full of songs of moments of reflection. I will definitely go to Christmas mass. In the afternoon I rest, the light comes and goes and the best thing to do is to rest.