12 january


I slept very well at night, after breakfast I updated the site and then I went with Sister Dores to the dispensary. On this occasion I also did the test against malaria, fortunately a negative result. Tomorrow they will explain to me what the first symptoms are and what to do if I become infected. After lunch, Father Donato arrived, originally from the Cembra Valley, who for years has dedicated his life to the least of this land. Together we went to Tabligbo, the locals organized a happy new year party for the community. It was a nice surprise to see how the poor people, at the end of the ceremony, brought gifts of all kinds, mainly food, for the poorest, a sharing and solidarity that little is seen in our parts. At the end of the ceremony, one by one they lined up and greeted all the personalities, including myself. A beautiful experience that enriches this fantastic adventure even more.