13 january


Last day in Kouvè and then Sister Dores accompanies me to see all the beautiful things created by the association Stella Bianca di Cembra (Tn). A dispensary for AIDS patients, clinics, maternal soles, a maternity ward, a pharmacy, a children’s hospital, and all administration offices. I am also given an antibiotic to be taken every day, for the duration of the trip and for the fifteen days following my arrival home. He tells me it prevents malaria, and has no contraindications. We then go to see the nursery school, a riot of children singing and celebrating me. Then we go to see how the vases are made by hand, and all the bowls they normally use for eating, made in clay. The elderly lady willingly shows me the construction of a vase. In two minutes an artist creates a vase that seems to be made by machine, the shapes are perfect. We then go to a sorcerer who lives near the nuns and with whom there is a good relationship. He explains the meaning of the altars and what they represent. After lunch I rest a bit, in view of tomorrow’s stage and prepare the bike. Tomorrow we enter Ghana.